Every US$1 invested in climate-resilient water and sanitation returns at least US$7
Investing in Africa’s water security will realise rights to water, health, education, energy, food security, a healthy environment, gender equality, and many other societal gains for this generation – and those to come.
A watershed investment partnership moment
African and global institutional investors hold significant pools of capital. African governments must tap into these pools of capital in order to mobilise an additional US$30 billion/year towards water security and sustainable sanitation in Africa. This unprecedented acceleration in both the pace and scale of financing, demands changes to the status quo that is reflective of the current global water and climate emergency.
African governments can unlock and scale an unprecedented pipeline of investable water by forging closer institutional investor-public partnerships and greater risk sharing between public and private finance. Achieving this is both a continental and global imperative and offers a significant investment opportunity for African and global institutional investors with long-term patient capital. Multi-lateral development banks as well as financial and private institutions have a crucial role to play.
Read the full report HERE