This Business Statement is the result of a 12 month Africa investor (Ai) consultative process with over 200 business leaders and investors operating in Africa. Consultations took place in New York at the Ai Heads of State Investment Advisory Council in partnership with the UN Office of the Special Adviser for Africa and the African Union. Consultations also took place at the New York Stock Exchange during the 2014 UN General Assembly, the Ai World Bank Strategic Bankers’ Dialogues at both the 2014 World Bank Annual Meetings and the 2015 Spring Meetings, alongside the recent launch of the African Union-NEPAD Continental Business Network in Cape Town, and at a dedicated side event at the Financing for Development (“FfD”) Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in July 2015, organised in association with the Global Clearinghouse for Development Finance.
This Business Statement reflects the recommendations and the collective views of private sector leaders working in Africa on optimal ways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This Business Statement will be used to focus the discussions of Heads of State and other senior government officials at the Ai Presidential CEO Summit in Addis Ababa in January 2016.