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There is an urgent need for the AfCFTA to co-champion a new investable incentives driven African Green Industrialisation Plan, to attract domestic and global trade related infrastructure and manufacturing investment at scale, that takes full advantage of the AfCFTA, Africa’s globally recognized, revered, competitive strengths, such as our abundant super natural capital (wind, sun, hydro). Africa’s outsized 40% of the globe’s climate transition minerals resource endowment and our human capital youth bulge of 3 billion fellow Africans by the end of the century – representing over 30% of the global workforce by that point.

Dr. Hubert Danso

Africa needs to mobilize $3trn of investment for its NDC’s by 2030, while the world only mobilised $2.8trn in the last 20 years for renewable energy investments (from 2000-2020), of which only 2% of that came to Africa.

So Africa needs to mobilise more climate investment in 7 years than the world mobilized in the last 20 years.

Given the scale, urgency and fact that the majority of Africa’s NDC’s will need private investment, I called for ‘Climate Investment Statesmanship’ from Heads of State on Institutional Investor-Public Partnerships (IIPPs), to co-create and implement future fit blended investment models with institutional investors, to make mobilizing private capital at scale for African NDC’s the expectation not the exception.

In support of this, we announced the 2023 NDC Investment Summit and Awards will be hosted at COP28 in the UAE in December.

The NDC Investment Awards – sponsored by the Africa investor (Ai) and the African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank (AfGIIB), are the only international, pan-African NDC investment awards that recognise and reward both public and private sector institutions, who are working to innovate and break new ground to mobilize private investment and private sector participation at scale, to Africa’s bankable NDC investment commitments and projects.

See how Ai is combating climate change

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